Let's make this world a better place!

Hi, my name is Pauline Dörrich. I am an 8th grade student at the Waldorfschule Uhlandshöhe in Stuttgart. When we were tasked with our 8th grade annual project I wanted to use my skills in photography and writing to do something that would be helpful and leave an impact. It was the time in September 2015 when thousands of refugees arrived in Germany each day with nothing but their lives and just a few belongings. I was especially moved by the pictures of the kids who came with their parents and thought about how I could at least make a small contribution to make this world a better place. So I decided to set up this blog so people can learn more about these children, give them a face and a voice and hope that the people in charge do everything they can to put an end to this!

I regularly spend my free time at refugee camps with the kids to bring their stories to this site.


Please like & share!

If you want to support my project and raise your voice, please share my blog posts to spread the stories of the Refugee Kids of Stuttgart to as many people as possible! There is a share-button at the bottom of every post. Or give Refugee Kids Of Stuttgart a Like on Facebook or follow on Twitter.


Thank you very much!

I want to say thank you to all people who helped and supported me with my project. The crews at the camps who help and translate. Pustefix in Tübingen for their soap-bubbles - they are always great fun for the kids! 

All photos and interviews on this site were taken while visiting various refugee camps in the greater Stuttgart area. 


If you want to know more about my project or have ideas to help the refugee kids of Stuttgart, please contact me via email at pauline@doerrich.de