Ohmid, Shiva, Sheila & family from Herat, Afghanistan
Ohmid, 14
In Afghanistan I was in school for six years already. Therefore I really want to continue here to become a doctor when I am grown up. My favorite subjects where physics and language. But I had no chance to learn German yet - but I could pick up some phrases", "Ich heiße Ohmid", and "Guten Morgen", "Guten Abend", "Entschuldigung", "Ich liebe dich"! Here in Germany I can not go to school yet so I have enough time to read books and play with the children from the camp.
Sheila, 13
Read my story here
Shiva, 8
I fled with my family from Afghanistan to Germany. I really hope my family can stay here. I could only go to School for one year. When school was finished, I played a lot with my friends. Here I can play with my older sister and other kids from the camp on a playground near by the camp. When my sister and I play together we never argue. I learned even a little German. What I learned is "I am acht years old."
To learn more about our hometown of Herat, click on the marker in the map to be transferred to Google maps. There you find photos and information about our place.