Birthday in the camp
Did you ever think about how refugee kids in a camp celebrate their birthdays? They don’t have their own apartments or their own rooms where the could invite their friends and have a birthday party! And they can’t just invite their friends from their home country to come and join their party. Many kids are even alone here and can therefore not even celebrate with their families!
During one of my last visits I heard that one of the boys had his 5th birthday soon. I therefore thought it could be a nice idea, to bake him a birthday cake. With five candles on it which he could then blow out. So I went on, baked him a cake and took it with me to the camp.
When I arrived in the camp there were many kids around who wanted to celebrate his birthday with him. Naturally everyone got a piece of the cake after he had blown out the candles and we had sung an English and then an Arabic birthday song.
He was really happy! And do you know what? It was in fact almost just like a birthday party among German kids.